Produce for Better Health Foundation

Breakthrough Produce Strategy: 5 A Day the Color Way

The health benefits of eating fruits and vegetables have gradually penetrated the American psyche–but not deep enough to significantly change daily eating habits. That’s why the Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH), a leader of the National 5 A Day Partnership, asked members of our team to help reinvigorate their healthy eating campaign.  As 5 A Day entered its second decade, our challenge was to help PBH create an appetite for real change in American consumers’ behavior.

We began by developing a new and colorful brand identity and a set of integrated consumer and trade marketing communication tools that would transform the way consumers think about fruits and veggies. The result was the 5 A Day The Color Way campaign.

Eat Your Colors

Our program leveraged the science-based phytochemical benefits of colorful fruits and vegetables to infuse energy and clarity into the 5 A Day message. Our goal was to make it easy and compelling for consumers to “eat their colors.”

Key elements of the program included:

  • 5 A Day The Color Way logo, theme and brand identity
  • A 5-color model designed to simplify the color story for consumers
  • Consumer guides to the health benefits of fruits and vegetables
  • 3 national public service TV spots
  • A strong 5 A Day The Color Way web presence aimed at multiple audiences
  • Merchandising and POS materials for the retail environment

Armed with a full arsenal of powerful campaign tools, we carried the 5 A Day The Color Way message to American audiences in an integrated campaign that targeted health-conscious moms with kids, students, nutritionists and key consumer influencers and the supermarket trade.


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Our 5 A Day The Color Way model organized all fruits and veggies into five basic color groups under the umbrella message, “Fight Cancer, Heart Disease & the Effects of Aging.” The model was designed to simplify the color story for consumers.